Andrew Mills CTA-Life

Andrew Mills, is the Executive Director, at the Tax Institute, a Senior Fellow at Melbourne University Law School and a member of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute Advisory Board. Previously, Andrew was the Second Commissioner, Law Design & Practice, at the Australian Taxation Office from 2013–2019. Andrew has 40 years’ experience in taxation, including periods in the ATO, commerce and the tax profession. Andrew was a Director at Greenwoods & Freehills for more than 20 years and managing director of the firm from 2006 to 2011. Andrew was President of The Tax Institute in 2006–2007 and is a former Governor of the Taxation Research Foundation. In practice, Andrew was an active participant with a number of industry bodies and a lecturer in the taxation in the Masters program at Sydney Law School. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Business, a Master of Laws and a Graduate Diploma in Tax Law. Andrew is a Chartered Taxation Adviser (Life), a member of the Australian Executive Committee of the International Fiscal Association and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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