Brett Freudenberg CTA

Brett is a Professor – Taxation at Griffith University. Brett is known for his research expertise in the tax law and policy issues facing private enterprises, as evidenced by his Fulbright Scholarship (2006) and over 80 refereed publications in leading Australian and international journals. In 2020, he was awarded the national ATTA-Hill medal in recognition of outstanding contribution to Australasian tax policy and tax teaching. Brett is passionate about education being a transformative process, and his effectiveness as a teacher has been recognised through five national awards (including the award of two Australian Learning and Teaching Council citations: 2008 & 2011). In 2019 Brett was successful in securing funding from the Federal Government to establish the Griffith Tax Clinic, which sees students under supervision providing free tax assistance to those in need in the community. Prior to commencing with Griffith University, Brett was a senior taxation consultant with KPMG and a solicitor with Corrs Chambers.

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