Chloe Munro

Ms Munro commenced as Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Clean Energy Regulator in April 2012. Prior to that, Ms Munro was the Chair of the National Water Commission. She was concurrently the Independent Non-executive Chairman of AquaSure, the consortium building Victoria’s desalination plant, and a Non-executive Director of Hydro Tasmania. Until July 2009, Ms Munro was an Executive Director at Telstra. She held leadership positions in human resources, business operations, information technology, public policy and communications and customer service. She served in the Victorian public sector between 1996 and 2004 in various positions. Her early career spanned the public, private and not-for-profit sectors in New Zealand, Kenya and the UK. Ms Munro holds masters degrees in mathematics and philosophy from Cambridge University and in business administration from Westminster University. She is a national and Victorian Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia and was awarded a Centenary Medal for outstanding contribution to public administration in 2001.

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