Chris Kinsella CTA

Chris is a tax partner based in Sydney with the law firm Holding Redlich. Chris has over 30 years’ experience advising clients in relation to tax matters, particularly early ATO engagement, ATO access powers, tax audits, tax litigation and dispute resolution. Chris has acted for clients in banking/insurance, property/infrastructure, pharma, mining/energy, manufacturing and professional services. The Holding Redlich tax controversy team represents taxpayers (and their advisors) in tax disputes in both the Federal Court and the AAT. Focus areas include anti-avoidance, transfer pricing and international tax. Notable cases that Chris has been involved with include the Chevron transfer pricing case and the Resource Capital Fund tax cases. Recent topics receiving attention from clients also include legal professional privilege, promoter penalties and the ATO’s broader attitude to tax advisers more generally. Chris is the chair of the Tax Institute’s Dispute Resolution Committee and the chair of the Number One Tax Discussion Group. Chris is accredited in dispute resolution with the NSW Law Society.

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