Stuart Forsyth CTA

Stuart is a Director of McPherson Super Consulting Pty Ltd, a company which specialises in providing technical advice on superannuation matters to the accounting, legal and financial planning industries. Stuart is the former Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Superannuation at the ATO where his responsibilities included active compliance and risk and intelligence for all superannuation subject areas. He was also closely involved in the ATO's Stronger Super project to implement the Cooper Review recommendations and drafting the ATO ruling on limited recourse borrowing arrangements for SMSFs. With over 30 years experience, Stuart also has a strong income tax background and has worked extensively in litigation. He is a regular presenter of papers and superannuation workshops in Queensland and the southern states, and is a member of The Tax Institute's Superannuation Technical Committee and Self-managed Independent Superannuation Funds Association (SISFA) Technical Committee. He has also been appointed to the SMSF Policy Advisory Council of the SMSF Owners' Alliance.

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