Tony Gorgas

Tony is a Partner in KPMG’s Transfer Pricing practice with over 15 years of experience advising multinational groups on complex transfer pricing issues. With prior commercial experience negotiating arm’s length pricing arrangements, Tony provides a practical interpretation of the complex technical rule book. Tony’s abilities to influence and negotiate on behalf of clients are the cornerstone of his reputation. Tony advises a number of the world’s leading enterprises on transfer pricing within Australia and across the ASPAC region. He is KPMG’s leader for a number of clients in the technology and media space. Tony has extensive contacts within the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and has strong working relationships with the ATO’s Competent Authority. Tony has successfully concluded APAs (Advance Pricing Arrangements) involving a wide variety of transactions including large business restructuring. Tony successfully concluded APAs with key jurisdictions including the US, UK, Japan and Korea, and he has valuable experience in the resolution of Mutual Agreement Proceedings between Competent Authorities.

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