Welcome and President's address
Speakers: Chaya Lal, FTI, Chair, VIC Tax Forum Organising Committee, Tim Sandow, CTA, President, The Tax Institute
Session 1: Housing in focus - Tax implications and opportunities
Speakers: Mark McKinley, Russell Kennedy, Paula Thorne, State Revenue Office Victoria
Facilitator: Prof. Miranda Stewart, CTA, Melbourne Law School
Session 2A: Payday Super
Speaker: Liz Westover, FTI, Deloitte
Session 2B: Thin Capitalisation and DDCR- Where are we at?
Speaker: Shahzeb Panhwar, ATI, Alvarez & Marsal
Session 3A: Taxation of Trusts - Common issues in preparing Trust Deeds and how to deal with them
Speaker: Dr Philip Bender, ATI, Victorian Bar
Session 3B: Heads of Tax Panel
Speakers: Clint Collins, Orora Group, Harleen Lamba, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group, Therese Mai, Total Energies
Facilitator: Narelle McBride, CTA, PwC
Session 4A: Through the looking glass of Section 99B - Navigating complexities and understanding where the reflection fades
Speaker: Kaitilin Lowdon, ATI, Sladen Legal Session
Session 4B: Navigating M&A in the Era of Energy Transition
Speakers: Enzo Coia, CTA, Deloitte, Josh Exley, Deloitte
Session 5A: Using the small business CGT concessions to restructure a small business
Speaker: Karen Goodfellow, CTA, Goodfellow Tax Advisory
Session 5B: Tax structuring for property investments
Speaker: Abi Chellapen, SW Accountants & Advisors
Session 6A: Tax consequences of family breakdown
Speaker: Paul Hockridge, CTA, Hockridge Advisory
Session 6B: ATO update
Speaker: Fiona Knight, CTA, Australian Taxation Office