Welcome and Presidents address
Speakers: Modiesha Stephens, CTA, MS Legal, Co-Chair of the Organising Committee, Tim Sandow, CTA, President, The Tax Institute
Session 1: Walter Gianotti Memorial Address
Speaker: Dr Julianne Jaques KC, CTA, Victorian Bar
Session 2A: Personal Services Income – The current landscape
Speaker: Ben Macpherson, CTA, Pitcher Partners
Session 2B: Corporate tax residency – Do we care, should we care?
Speakers: Mat Chamberlain, CTA, EY, Andrew James, EY
Session 3A: Home and away – The tax residency dilemma
Speakers: Daniel Taborsky, CTA, Birchstone Tax Law, Shivani Jethwa, Birchstone Tax Law
Session 3B: The new debt deduction creation rules and the surprising ways taxpayers may be caught
Speaker: Natasha McCarthy, KPMG
Lunch and Session 4: Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman update
Speaker: Ruth Owen CBE GAICD, Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman
,Session 5: Navigating the tax minefield - Strategies to prepare for ATO and State Revenue audits and reviews
Speaker: Andrew Giorgi, FTI, Smailes Krawitz
Session 6: Dealing with blunders in earlier years
Speaker: Paul Sokolowski, CTA, Arnold Bloch Liebler
Session 7: The current state of play with TASA and TPB - A panel session
Speakers: Robyn Jacobson, CTA, The Tax Institute, Tracey Dunn, EY, Tim Sandow, CTA, BDO
Bonus Session: Bendal decision - is this the final word?
Speakers: Robyn Jacobson, CTA, The Tax Institute, Fiona Dillon, CTA, Australian Taxation Office, Tracey Dunn, EY, Paul Sokolowski, CTA, Arnold Bloch Liebler