All events Face-to-face Victoria Networking Event

Women in Tax VIC Lunch

1 May 2025 | RACV City Club



Unleashing your inner core: How three successful women have defined Success  

We are delighted to invite you to join us for the Tax Institute’s annual Victorian Women in Tax lunch.  

This year our theme is “Unleashing your inner core: How three successful women have defined success”. We are thrilled to host a panel of three outstanding leaders from the Victorian Tax community who will share their thoughts on what success means to them and the experiences that have defined their successful careers.  

Our panelists are: 

  • Irene Filippone, Vice President Tax, BlueScope Steel Limited
  • Kate Mahady, Partner, FB Rice 
  • Rebecca Saint, Deputy Commissioner for Public Groups, Australian Taxation Office 

The session will be facilitated by Megan Bishop, Partner, Piper Alderman, who will explore with our panel: 

  •  What has made them successful in their organisations
  •  How their definition of success has changed at different stages of their career
  • How life outside of work has impacted their definition of success
  • Roadblocks they have had to overcome to achieve success
  • Who they looked to for guidance on their path to success; and  
  • What they have done to create a successful personal brand in the marketplace.  

We hope you can put together a table and bring clients and colleagues along to learn from our panel, network with colleagues and reflect on your own vision of what success means to you.  

Event Details

Individual registration

$ 160 (member)

$ 175 ( non member)

Table registration (10 attendees)

$ 1600

  • When01-May-2025 - 01-May-2025
  • FormatFace-to-face
  • CPD Hours1



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