Session 1: Who owns Australia?
Speaker: James ‘Wags’ Wagstaff, The Daily Times
Session 2: Dealings with Australian agricultural land – State tax issues and FIRB
Speaker: Catherine Nufer-Bar, CTA, Hamilton Locke
Session 3: Beyond Carbon – New Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Land Owners:
Speakers: Matt Egerton-Warburton, Mills Oakley, Natalie Lonergan, Mills Oakley
Session 4: Not just Carbon-Farming – The tax issues
Speaker: Courtney Van Zyl, Findex
Session 5: Medium and emerging enterprises
Speaker: Rosie Cicchitti, Australian Taxation Office
Session 6: Corporatizing the farm
Speakers: Karen Goodfellow, CTA, Goodfellow Tax Advisory, Frederick Mahar, CTA, FM Mahar & Associates