The income tax legislation regularly defers to a conception of market value in the determination of tax liabilities. At the same time there is no assistance under the legislation as to how market value is ascertained. This presentation approaches the issue by reference to valuation principles with a view to providing guidance to taxpayers on how to safely self assess value, including:
- when does the Tax Act use 'market value' and what does the Tax Act/case law tell us 'market value' is?
- the CGT market value substitution rule
- the practicalities of retrospective determination (deceased estates and Div 149)
- dividing intangible values from a taxation perspective
- is the value of the asset the sum of its composite parts?
- definition of 'market value' from a valuation perspective
- key valuation parameters and valuation approaches
- integrity of valuations
- valuation processes
- dividing intangible values from a valuation perspective
- valuation problems:
- goodwill
- investment/market value
- shares in private companies
- minority interests.