The current property boom shows no signs of abating. Planning can provide opportunities and minimizse the tax burden which is almost inevitable in the current market. Bad planning will leave you exposed to unwanted and unwarranted liabilities. The ATO is looking and has collected a considerable data base from which they are planning targeted compliance action. This presentation looks at:
- what are the choices when looking at a suitable vehicle for acquiring property?
- what are the better ways to structure finance?
- timing, not how to pick the market but the consequences of the timing of acquisitions and sales
- where are the common mistakes in determining the taxable profit from property sales?
- don’t forget the GST, how to deal with issues such as the margin scheme, going concern and other concessions available in the GST provisions
- what does the ATO have to say about property, how have the courts looked at the issues in recent years and where will the ATO come looking?