Property Intensive

Source: Western Australia

Published Date: 30 Oct 2007

Changes in legislation can have a significant cash impact on certain property developments. Whilst advisers to property developers, owners and investors are constantly called upon to advise on an incredibly wide range of tax issues and transactions, property also continues to be a focus of the Taxation Office. This program focussed on the changes that have occurred in the past year and highlighted how issues can impact developers and investors in practice.

Income tax implications for one-off property developers

Author(s): Rami Brass CTA

Recent developments in GST for the property industry

Author(s): Russell Maynard

The new duties bill - implications for land holders

Author(s): Michael Frampton CTA , Alison Wallace

Legal structures for property development

Author(s): Peter Beekink

Property: the accountant's perspective

Author(s): Syd Jenkins


  • Published On:30 Oct 2007
  • Took place at:Parmelia Hilton, Perth

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