These presentations cover:
Basel III changes:
- overview and background – concept of regulatory capital; interaction with ratings capital; Basel III changes; how much additional capital banks globally will have to raise; and what banks around the world are doing
- Basel III changes - focus on Basel III changes; capital adequacy under new APS 111; what the different categories of capital comprise of; key features to qualify as Additional Tier 1 Capital and Tier 2 Capital; deductions from capital; transitional arrangements
Topical tax issues facing banks and insurance companies about capital management:
- Tier 1 capital issues in Australia – tax implications for the issuer and security holders including the implications for the issuer arising from Basel III non-viability clauses and the application of various anti-avoidance rules
- Tier 1 capital issues undertaken by foreign branches of Australian banks – issues for the bank including the application of s 215-10
- Tier 2 capital issues in Australia – tax implications for the issuer and security holders including application of the debt/equity rules.