Vic 1st Annual Tax Forum

Source: Victoria

Published Date: 10 Oct 2013

  • The relevance of the tax profession is stronger than ever. Fiscal issues have been prominent in the mainstream news over the past year - whether it be references to the tax affairs of high net worth individuals, the Minerals Resource Rent Tax, the carbon tax or governmental concerns about leakages to the revenue base attributable to base erosion and profit shifting. The ability for our profession to play a role in the broader community is at an all-time high.
  • The Vic 1st Annual Tax Forum delivered on a range of topics relevant to these times. It covered:
  • Sustainability of our tax system and the case for major reform
  • The tax bastion
  • The transparency - Are we entering a new age?
  • R&D and other incentives - Are you making the most of them?
  • Inheriting an international client
  • The international tax developments including the International Dealings Schedule
  • Cloud computing - understanding the tax implications
  • Small business CGT concessions - Keeping out of harms way
  • Transfer pricing - The new landscape
  • Stamp duty - Hot topics arising from the introduction of the Victorian landholder regime
  • Tax consolidation for SMEs
  • What's hot in super
  • Reportable tax positions and active compliance developments
  • The accidental property developer
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Leveraging social media and your portable devices to enhance your practice
  • When the tax man comes knocking
  • Post-election update on the future taxation landscape
  • Div 7A - How to fix up a mess
  • M&A tax update
  • Evidence: Defending your position
  • Estate planning
  • Developments in legal profession privilege
  • Employee share schemes - Current trends and issues
  • Cases and rulings for SMEs - An update
  • Cases and ruling for large corporates - An update
  • Part IVA: The new framework

Estate planning

Author(s): Rob Jeremiah CTA , Amanda Morton

Reportable tax positions and active compliance developments

Author(s): Judy Morris

Cases and rulings for large corporates - An update

Author(s): Carmen Mcelwain CTA , Daniel Slater CTA , Rimma Miller ATI

Inheriting an international client

Author(s): Chris Wookey CTA

Evidence: Defending you position

Author(s): Daniel Mcinerney KC

Cases and rulings for SMEs - an update

Author(s): Melanie Baker CTA

Division 7A - How to fix up a mess

Author(s): Michael Parker CTA

The accidental property developer

Author(s): Ben Payne

When the tax man comes knocking

Author(s): Ross Burns
Materials from this session:

R&D and other incentives - Are you making the most of them?

Author(s): Damon Cantwell

Tax consolidation for SMEs

Author(s): Neil Lamb ATI

Cloud computing - Understanding the tax implications

Author(s): Frank Putrino ATI , Brendan Rynne

Stamp duty - Hot topics arising from the introduction of the Victorian landholder duty regime

Author(s): Gabrielle Deal , Geoff Mann CTA , Nika Dharmadasa

The transparency - Are we entering a new age?

Author(s): Frank Drenth , Tony Stolarek

Developments in legal professional privilege

Author(s): Toby Knight CTA

Employee Share Schemes - current trends and issues

Author(s): Andrew Clements FTI

What's hot in super

Author(s): Daniel Butler CTA , David Oon

M&A tax update

Author(s): Paul Abbey
Materials from this session:

Transfer pricing - The new landscape

Author(s): Cameron Smith

Part IVA - The new framework

Author(s): Sue Williamson CTA-Life
Materials from this session:

Sustainability of our tax system and the case for major reform

Author(s): Roger Beale

The trust bastion

Author(s): Graeme Halperin CTA
Materials from this session:

Alternative dispute resolution

Author(s): Terry Murphy KC, CTA , Judy Sullivan CTA
Materials from this session:


  • Published On:10 Oct 2013
  • Took place at:Park Hyatt, Melbourne

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Unless expressly stated, opinions are not that of The Tax Institute, which accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the information contained within it.

This material is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study., research, critisism or review, as permitted under teh copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from The Tax Institute.

Unless expressly stated, opininons are not that of The Tax Institute, which accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the information contained within it.



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