2021 Local Tax Club - Avoiding and Preparing for ATO/OSR disputes: Practical tips on evidence, proof and onus (Brisbane)

Source: QLD

Published Date: 28 Jul 2021

This session is for tax advisors who want to minimise the risks of a protracted, costly dispute with the revenue authorities and give their clients the best prospects were litigation is inevitable. We are seeing a trend of tax appeals with insufficient, incomplete evidence and business records that fail to discharge the onus of proof. However, we are also seeing taxpayers that promptly gather evidence and assess their claims having early success with the revenue authorities. This session covered:
  • Common tricks and traps in gathering evidence and documents for audits and objections
  • Assessing the prospects and return on investment of a tax appeal
  • Current Court approaches to evidence, proof and onus
  • Practical tips for advisors to avoid disputes and increase the prospects of a Court win.

Tax Update - July 2021 (Brisbane)

Author(s): Melissa Simpson


  • Published On:28 Jul 2021
  • Took place at:Tattersall's Club, Brisbane

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