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Wurrendjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
Session 1: Regulator Panel
Jennifer Moltisanti, Australian Taxation Office, Registrar Tricia Stroud, ORIC, Sue Woodward AM, ACNC
Facilitator: Timothy Stokes, FTI, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers
Session 2: Charity or some other ITE, that is the question
Bridgid Cowling, Arnold Bloch Leibler
Session 3: Navigating the application of the Corporations Act to registered charities
Marla Cowen, Herbert Smith Freehills
Session 4A: Structuring for social enterprises: issues to consider when diversifying NFP income streams
Timothy Stokes, FTI, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers
Session 4B: So, you want to be a philanthropist?
Speaker: Paul Banister, CTA, Grant Thornton
Session 5A: Employment Taxes – what NFPs need to know
Peter de Sousa, EY, Ric Samartgis, EY
Session 5B: Mutuals – not for the faint hearted!
Kaylene Hubbard, ATI, KPMG, Morag Ingham, CTA, Findex
Session 6: The field agents – a CEOs perspective
Lizzie Corke, Conservation Ecology Centre, Justine Dalla Riva, Victorian Pride Centre, Michael Wentworth, Apprenticeships Are Us