
Tasmanian Convention

12 CPD hours | On-demand now available!



Missed the event? On-demand now available!

We understand it's a busy time for tax professionals and there are simply not enough hours in the day.  Rest assured, we've made it easy for you to still gain access to the latest knowledge in tax.   

On-demand - All the latest content at your fingertips 

On-demand gives you virtual access to session recordings, technical papers and presentations from the most recent event. Download the brochure to view the full program.

On-demand gives you flexibility to digest the content in your own time with access for 6 months from date of purchase.

Available for a strictly limited period

Event Details

On-demand registration

$ 1,200 (member)

$ 1,200 (new member)

$ 1,500 (non member)

  • When19-October-2023 - 30-April-2024
  • FormatOn-demand
  • CPD Hours12

Locally developed, nationally relevant

The Tasmanian Convention combines the latest tax technical content, expert presenters and practical workshops with ample opportunities to network and enjoy all of the culinary and cultural delights the State has to offer. 

Emphasis on the practical  

Held over two days, the Convention addresses a broad range of tax issues that advisers need to be across in running their day-to-day practices. With a mix of both technical and practical sessions, topics include compliance, superannuation, estate planning and everyone’s favourite, trusts. 

Time to network and relax 

The 2023 convention was held in Launceston. Launceston and it’s surrounds have a lot to offer both locals and visitors alike. Our Convention program ensures there is enough time for delegates to relax and network with peers and includes a Convention dinner as part of the program, where attendees can enjoy a first-class meal, fine Tasmanian wine and lots of tax industry discussion and debate.  

On-demand program

Made up of plenary sessions, workshops and case studies. 

Pre-convention workshop: Taxation of Succession structuring – The elephants in the room

Ron Jorgensen, CTA, Thomson Geer Lawyers

Session 1: Keynote address – The National Tax Clinic Program – Changing lives one return at a time

Donovan Castelyn, CTA, University of Tasmania

Session 2: Property flipping as a national sport

Chris Wallis, CTA, Victorian Bar

Session 3: Identifying the relevant nexus for employment taxes – are the rules workable?

Greg Protektor, King & Wood Mallesons

Session 4: SMSF update – A snapshot of industry activity

Liz Westover, FTI, Deloitte

Session 5: Tax, Policy & Advocacy update

Robyn Jacobson, CTA, The Tax Institute

Session 6: Economic update – State of the State

Cedric Hodges, Deloitte Access Economics

Session 7: FBT update and refresher

Heidi Rodgers, Tax Astute Training

Session 8: Tips and traps for advising your client when setting up a trust

Lisa To, CTA, Bartier Perry

Session 9: Can we regulate unethical conduct? Developing and maintaining trust in today’s world

Dr Robert Whait, CTA, University of South Australia

Session 10: AI & ChatGTP - What do they mean for professional advisors?

Adrian Cartland, Cartland Law



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